TOTAL 70(People from 14 academies)ADA Representatives (20)
- EviL (EviL|none|GMT 3)
- Gracco (Gracco|Gracco|GMT -6)
- barragan2 (barragan>2|ninjaflare121|GMT -5)
- Twedledum (Twedledum|Twedledum|GMT 2)
- Kaiza (kaiza|none|GMT -2)
-Snakedoc(Lord) (Snakedoc|Snakedoc|GMT 4)
-KillerBee (_KillerBee_|none|GMT 2)
-Slot Tool (Slot Tool|none|GMT -5)
-iNubz (BlackFireBlaster|iNubz|GMT 0)
-Gunnybear (! ! ! ! ! !Gunnybear|none|GMT -7)
-Rand (Rand|none|GMT -5)
-L.Lawliet (L.Lawliet|none|GMT 2)
-Koolkid (Koolkid|none|UST 3)
-Vayu (vayurules|None|GMT -4)
-Nitroturbo (Nitroturbo|none|GMT -5)
-BlackwoodCompany (Blackwood Company|none|GMT -6)
-DotonDomu (PlaciPicko|none|GMT 1)
-The Crocodile (Crocodile|TheCrocodile|GMT 1)
-Razzares (Razzares|none|GMT 1)
WDA Representatives (8 )
- akaFila~ (~akaFila~|None|GMT -6)
-Unforgiven Pretender (Unforgiven Pretender|none|GMT 1)
-AsianShadow (ProdigyShadow|none|GMT -6)
- คlนนนนนนนนนนนนนนนนนนนนน (ALuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu|none|GMT 2)
-Acefire17 (Acefire17|none|GMT - 5)
-beastlyblackbear (Beastlyblackbear|none|GMT -7 hours)
-RagingDarkness (RagingDarkness94051|none|GMT: -6)
-alpha sean (Alpha Sean|none|GMT -4)
YKJ Representatives (8 )
- Abdo_Tarek
-CM VIPER (! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !#39|none|GMT 3)
-almoosawy (almoosawy|almoosawy|GMT 3)
-the king zane (the king zane|none|GMT 3)
-Kathy Scarlet (Kathy Scarlet|none|GMT)
-The Dark Mind (The Dark Mind|none|GMT 2)
-madao (Madao0|Madao|GMT)
DGA Representatives (7)
- TheRuler (TheRuler/NewRuler|TheRuler|GMT 2)
- King007 (King007|King007|GMT 1)
- bakura normal (bakura normal|none|GMT 00)
- The Betrayer (The Betrayer|none|GMT 1)
- Placido (!!Placido| |GMT 2)
-PhantomX (`PhantomX|None|GMT -5)
-Sasori' (xynta|None|GMT 2)
NexusDA Representatives (6)
-~Grapha~ (~Grapha~|none|UTC -5)
-Hagiicaul (Hagiicaul|none|GMT - 7)
- Shoutaro (Yuuske|none|EST)
- ChapinCrusher (ChapinCrusher|none|UTC -5)
-dragonmaster (roberto02|none|EST)
DAL Representatives (5)
- songgsong1 (songsong1|none|GMT 0)
-Luckstar (Luckstar|none|GMT
- DuelLegend (LostLegend|none|GMT 0)
- Acacia (Hjalmar|none|MST/MDT)
- shocka9911 (shocka9911|none|GMT 2)
NeoDA Representatives (5)
-.::Amon::. (! ! ! ! Amon ! ! ! |none|CET)
-beff (clabeff|none|GMT-5))
-gleb1503 (gleb1503|none|GMT)
- ! DuelingWizard ! (! DuelingWizard !|none|GMT 1)
-Iron Mario (Iron Mario|noneGMT -6)
- agent2341
NewDA Representatives (4)
-Lord Mega (Lord Mega|none|GMT -5) (dropped off)
- tavo69 (!Sayer!|none|GMT 7)
-Chaos_Emperor_Dragon (Dark Magician Of C. / Phoenix Aster|none|GMT-5)
TGD Representatives (3)
-manosgx (manosgx|none|GMT 2)
-poromenos (Poromenos|none|GMT 3)
-John_Doe (John_Doe|none|GMT 3)
WNA Representatives (2)
- UchihaShisui (UchihaShisui|none|GMT 1)
-psychoturtle (IamPsychoturtle|none|GMT 1)
TWA Representatives (2)
- Nuran ((DX)Nuran|none|GMT -5)
-Magician of Chaos (coltendude|none|GMT -5)
DraLA Representatives (1)
- isetrh (isetrh|none|GMT -7) (dropped off)
CryoDA Representatives (1)
- Riolu~ (riolu447|none|UTC -4 )