I use Avian cause I'm addicted to classics, and i use them all in duels,
Necroshade works in my strategy, and is classic,
Bladedge=awesome. + a classic
and i like the field spells, Skyscraper =+1000 ATK,
Skyscraper 2=free destroyed in battle hero once per turn
certain cards and strategies i COULD do without, i just choose to use them because they are my favorites and such.
Also, i hate using decks that rely on one strategy.
ex-Fusion Gate heroes, lets just say (i remember this trap from GX show, idk too much about it, if its banned, or if it even exists) i use Fusion Gate, and that forbidden spell trap makes it so that i cant use Fusion Gate anymore. what then? all there is in Fusion Gate heroes left is beatsticks, and King of the Swamp becomes more of a deaddraw (according to ur deck build poly not needed)
I mean, sure u have Miracle and Parallel, but using both at the same time is impossible, and certain circumstances arise etc etc. i mean, theres also Necrovalley that could manage to kill that strategy too. I dont mean to bag on the deck build or the deck itself, but its just not my ehero style.
another thing, as i said before, this isnt a bad deck build u suggested, its just not my kind of deck. While i admit, my deck could do with some trimming, i just dont want to kill the strategy i use in the deck and make it a laughingstock of dueling.