deck is decent... monster lineup looks amazing, was thinking that since u cant control 2 ignoble and can sometimes lead to dead draw, i prefer running 1 and instead add cards that send it to grave direcly like foolish burial.... why the lonely raioh?
u could remove it to find more space for traps maybe..
for the spells, is it me or do i think that noble arms arfu iis the best among them.. cause i no a combo wit medraut and arfu...
Normal medraut, equip arfu, use arfu eff and pop a backrow, use medraut 2nd eff and summon ignoble, then destroy afru..afru eff activates and equips to ignoble, use afru again and pop another backrow, then synch 5, propbaly that king for more destruction...
I would suggest 2 of each arms for space and variety, but thats ur choice... add reinforcement cause its so good to leave it...maybe miracle fusion cause u run sparkman n cause its soo OP
traps are ur choice.. nothing particualr.. n thats about it