I currently have 58 card in my deck:
dark horus, dark armed dragon, rainbow dark dragon, malefic parallel gear, malefic rainbow dragon X2, malefic red eyes, malefic blue eyes, malefic truth (in post), rainbow dragon X2, red eyes X2, blue eyes, red eyes chick X2, red eyes darkness metal, acorno, pinecono, gorz, interplanetarypurplethorny dragon, chaos sorcerer, kuribon, watapon, hanewata, horus LV 6&8, D.D.M different dimension master, lord of d, eclipse wyvern
seal of orichalcos, malefic world, double summon, dark world dealings, allure of darkness, burial from a differen dimension, monster reborn, dark mambele, dark hole, dimensionhole, heavy storm, polymerisation,flute of summoning dragon, different dimension reincarnation, feather of the pheonix
miriacle's wake, solemn judgement, return from the different dimension, escape from the dark dimension, skill drain, mirror force,dimension slice, malefic claw stream, interdimensional matter transporter,metalmorph, black horn of heaven, dragon's rebirth
malefic paradox dragon, five headed dragon
any help would be appreciated, i aim to get the deck down to about 40 cards