its like the doppel junk we all knew and loved but from ooouuuteerrr sspaaccceee. alien ammonite acts like a 2nd junk synchron for doppel, and allows for the use of alien dog, which is like a 2nd doppel in a way. alien greys are lv 2, searchable by oshaleon target for ammonite, junk, and debris, and makes the deck run a little faster with a +1. alien psychic is lv 1, and good for following up from grey. worm hope is for more speed, but still not as good as grey... code A ancient ruins, it can start doppel, special any alien in the grave, and can pull shenanigans with gol'gar (quasar shenanigans) not immediately but in like a turn or 2... mysterious triangle is great for many reason... mostly grey. rest are basically staple.