Hmm,... i c u planning a build on the dimensional fairies variant.. interesing
Lets c.. in my view.. u could remove that tour guide.. u really dnt need it unless plannin on chaos version.. better add miraclous descent instead.. an awesome card.. a must in this deck..
2nd..since u draw a lot of cards thnx to the sanctuary in the sky.. i suggest u remove that duality and card car d.. add a third jupiter (Very good for banish fairy version) and a third field..( do i need to explain)
Finally, i think u need kristya for lolz.. it cripples a lot of deck and can be very easy to summon in this deck.. one through its eff.. two normal summoning.. 3 banish by hyperion and manipulate graveyard for 4 lights... summon it by miracloes descent if u banish it by ur cards..n blah blah blah xD
Well, i think 3 hyperion is inconsitent just my guess.. since earth is limted D: n remove bls.. no much darks around..
Thats it.. hope this helps