What I think I'm seeing here is a Norleras Deck with Cyberdarks in it. Nice idea, but there's a few cards where I don't see why they're here. Demise, King of Armageddon is completely unsummonable here; meanwhile, 3 Grepher and an Arma Knight are overkill, and Dark Crusader serves no purpose. 3 of each Cyberdark is also overkill with so few main deck targets. I'd do this:
-3 dark Crusader
-1 Demise
-1 Grepher
-1 of each Cyberdark
+3 Tour Guide from the Underworld
+2 Rescue rabbit
+3 Hunter Dragon
Then remove 1 Cyberdark Dragon, and fill out the extra deck with some more Synchros and Xyz.