Yeah I know its got too much going on. Besides risking having a hand of high level monsters and no level 4 or lower monsters the deck plays pretty well. I've been able to beat my cousins deck a lot and its the standard build with Archlord Kristyas, Pot of Duality etc. As well as beating other people with better decks. I thought a lot about what you said so I decided to focus on a spell counter deck with a spell lockdown with Secret Village. I got rid of my Citadel, Ice Queen and Malefic Cyber End Dragon to cut it down to 41. I'm thinking of removing Assault Mode Activate and my Arcane Apprentice since that combo is a bit situational. I've got a lot of other Spellcasters such as the Dark Magician/Girl Old Vindictive Magicians, Skilled Dark/White Magician, Magical Hats, and the Exodia cards ( 5 pieces + Exodius) and all the other cards provided in the spellcaster theme deck. I'll look into it more and take your advice. Thank you Harper7000!