here is my latest deck crashbug it can abuse trish and acid golem
x3 crashbug x
x3 crashbug y
x3 crashbug z
x3 ally of justice birdman(this is how i can get trish and recylce her, it recycles crashbugs, tourguide it basicly recycles eveything)
x3 tour guide from the underworld
x1 trans archfiend(adds mons in grave or already banished to hand ex: birdman/tour guide)
x1 dandylion
x1 debris dragon
x1 sangan
x1 dark armed dragon
x3 creature swap(for dandy tokens crashbugs or best of all an acid golem with no xyz material)
x2 swords of revealing light
x2 double summon
x2 mystical space typhoon
x1 allure of darkness
x1 book of moon
x1 monster reborn
x1 dark hole
x1 pot of avarice
x1 level limit area-B
x2 compulsory evac.
x2 ultimate offering
x1 call of the haunted
x1 torrential tribute
x1 solemn judgement
x1 solemn warning
extra deck:15(duh)
x3 acid golem
x2 leviathan dragon
x1 terror-byte
x1 levair dragon
x1 wind up zenmaines
x1 grenosaurus
x2 blackrose dragon
x1 brionic
x1 gaia knight
x1 locomotion R-Genex
x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier