Alright, sadly, this is my best deck, and its just a bunch of cards i threw together to synchro summon monsters, but it beats the best anti-meta deck iv played against so far quite a bit so hey, its pretty good.
[21 Monsters]
3 The Tricky
3 Flamvell Firedog
3 Flamvell Magican
3 Shield Wing (this was added for defense, but mainly cause i had no idea what other monsters to put in)
2 Junk Sychron
2 Gow-up bulb
2 Cyber Dragon
Summoner Monk
[16 Spell]
3 Instant Fusion
3 Stardut Shimmer (i like it at 3, but sometimes its a dead draw, mayneed gelp on what to switch out for)
2 Rekindling
2 Tuning
2 Warrior Returning Alive
Emergency Teleport
Monster Reborn
Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice
[5 Traps]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Royal Deree
Mirror force
[15 in Fusion Deck]
Karbonala Warrior
2 Man_Eating Black Shark
Magical Android
Black Rose Dragon
2 Stardust
2 Scrap Dragon
2 Red D. Archfiend
2 Red Nova Dragon
[4 Sided Cards]
2 Urgent Tuning
Field-Commander Rahz
Marauding Captain
mmmmk, so basically the way ths deck came about was, i had just got done trying a deck centered around stardust dragon, and a few of the variations of him and his supports, then i got fed up of that, and tried red D. archfiend, and seeing as he didnt have much support at the time, i wound up makin a pretty awesome synchro deck in the process, i would love help with this deck, but its pretty good as is, it synchro summons just about the first turn every game, and synchros just about every turn also, and it beats Chaos/Plants often, my friends best deck which if anyone checked out my last Scrap deck they should now what im referring to