its my new XYz deck
monster 20
green gadgets x2
red gadgets x2
yellow gadgets
summer monk x2
scrap reyclerx2
cyber dragon x2
tengu x3
machina gearframe x3
machina fortress x2
spell 9
xyz gift
narmonic waves x3
monster rebron
dark hole
pot of duality x2
pot of avarice
trap 11
ultimate offering x3
bottless trap hole x2xyz veil x2
mirror force
solemn warning
solemn judgement
extra deck 9
number 39: utopia x3
Vylon disigma
wind up zenmasister
tiras keeper of genesis
number 10 illumiknight
leviair the sea dragon
so this is my new deck Xyz so far i dueled once with this deck and i OTK him by sumoning Utopia x2 and vylon disigma with using gadgets abd ultimate offerning