Hmm'z... if your main point is to summon Fortress, then I'd advise you to take out those Reactor cards, they really aren't very good ;o Also...
-1/2 Drill Monster (forgot name xP) - Not needed, optional.
-1/2 Jinzo - Again, optional.
-3 Jinzo Returner - Not needed for a Machina deck.
-2 Twin Headed.. (forgot name) - Pathetic card.
-1 Roid Monster (forgot name) - Not needed.
-3 Hyper Synchron - You don't usually synchro in a Machina deck, it's more like a stun deck ;o But you can keep like 2 in if you want.
-1 Reflector (forgot name) - Not needed.
-1 Blow back Dragon (forgot name but the first monster on it) - Not needed and pathetic.
-2 Double Summon - Keep 1 in your side if you want.
-1 Future Fusion
-1 Burden - Optional.
-1 Miracle Fusion - What E-Hero do you have to fuse? O.o
+ 3 of each Gadgets
+ Machina Force - works great with Fortress, send that to the Grave to spec. summon Fortress
+ 2/3 Gearframe - Fortress searcher, you can also equip it to Fortress for protection.
+2 MST
+1 Dark Hole - If you want, its good to have.
+1 Mirror Force - I put this in every deck
Dunno why O.o
Eh.. can't think of anything else but ye, you get the idea xP